
Waco PD Cops Want To Donate Sick Time To Officer With Cancer

Waco Police Officer Nicki Stone

Waco Police Officer Nicki Stone is battleing breast cancer and used up her sick, vacation and holiday time.  As this is a real “Officer In Need Of Aid” other members of the department stepped up to the plate.  They offered to donate a portion of their sick time to officer Stone.  Considering the situation a truly noble and decent thing to do.  OK fine.

Not so fast.  Waco city manager pooh-poohed the plan saying it …”Would negatively impact the city financially.”  What?

The head of the Waco Police Officers Association said that a number of Officers wanted to donate a portion of their sick time until Stone could return to work.  Expected to be sometime around the middle of August.  He said the city will pay for 720 hours of sick time at the time of retirement.  Anything more than that is not paid for.  He said the city claims that the donated sick time is “…An expenditure it otherwise wouldn’t have to pay.”  Horse manure!!

Note to city manager-How about not spending excessively when attending “meetings” at exotic locations.  Just a thought.

Lest we forget any organization, in this case the City of Waco the best commodity they have is its employees and taking care of them should be paramount.

Hey, city manager…get with the program and let these fine officers donate their sick time to this “officer in need of aid.”



Enter The hero’s-US Capitol Police

Republican and staff members of the US Congress were having an early morning softball practice in preparation for the Dems vs. Repubs annual softball game.  A long standing tradition with the proceeds going to local charities.  Good cause and buy in from both parties.  No jawboning about political matters.

Accompanying the congressmen were two US Capitol Police Special Agents as part of the majority whip’s security detail.

Suddenly, a man appeared with an AR-15 and began firing at the players and anybody near the field.  A weak minded troll who wanted to kill as many Republicans as he could.  If not for the brave and decisive action of the officers he may have accomplish a great deal of death and maiming.

The officers sprang into action.  Drawing their weapons and immediately engaging the threat.  Soon the shooting stopped.  The gunman lay dead.  Congressman Steve Scalise R-LA lay critically wounded.  Several others, including the two officers were wounded.

Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to S/A David Bailey and S/A Crystal Griner for their capitol cops2gallant and heroic action on this day.  They conducted themselves in a manner consistent with the motto of the capitol Police.  “A tradition of Service and protection.”

On behalf of a grateful nation we thank you for your dedication and professionalism.  their action reflect great credit on themselves and the US Capitol Police.

May god bless those that “Serve and Protect.”



Baton Rouge Chief Refuses To Fire Officer.

At long last.  A police chief with a set of balls who stands up for his officer(s).

Baton Rouge mayor, sharon broome, D-law..what law, recently directed Chief Carl Dabadie to fire the officer who shot and killed alton sterlings last July.baton rouge

The hue and cry went up.  Major disturbances and riots followed.  A weak minded soul that bought into all the fiery rhetoric ambushed and killed three police officers and wounded three others in Baton Rouge.

Last year was a tough time for our nations police officers.

The officer who shot sterling was investigated by the DOJ.  No charges were filed and you know they really wanted to hang something on this guy.  The shooting was within the law and department policy.

Responding to the request/demand from the mayor the Chief refused.  Saying the matter was still under investigation by the LA attorney general.  Chances are that no charges would be filed.  Remember Baltimore and Tulsa.

Once again, all Mr. Sterlings had to do was comply.  That doesn’t seem too outlandish does it?

Great job Chief.  Stick to your guns and may god bless the men and women of the Baton Rouge Police Department.



NYC Mayor DeBozo to Honor Terrorist

Mayor DeBozo D-hello suckers, is planning to march with the recently released terrorist oscar lopez, in the upcoming June 11th National Puerto Rican Day parade.

Lopez, active in the FLAN was a bomb maker, a terrorist tactics teacher and procurer of weapons and explosives.  Bombs were planted in NYC, Chicago and DC.  Killing at least 4 and injuring 23.  All in furtherance of the cause of Puerto Rican independence.

President Obama commuted his sentence, saying “he never really was found guilty of any actual bombings.”  You know, like Bin Laden wasn’t responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

DeBozo said “there are over 700,000 Puerto Rican residents in the city.”  That’s right, but I’ll bet that only a small number of those residents support lopez and his actions.  Every time the vote for Purto Rican independence comes up it is soundly defeated.

Be careful mayor.  You may be the recipient of the residents NOT voting for you.  Hope so.

One person who will not vote for you is a former NYPD Detective NYPD FLANwho attempted to disarm a bomb at 1 police plaza.  When the bomb went off he lost sight in one eye, both eardrums were blown out as well as numerous other injuries.

A number of pols that previously marched will not do so this time.  Gov. cuomo D-Trump’s responsible, is still considering his participation.  Another profile in courage.  NOT!!




Police Officer in Tulsa Acquitted in Fatal OIS-Family Blames Tulsa Homicide SGT

Last September Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby shot and killed Terence Crutcher.  This after Crutcher refused to follow officer Shelby’s command to not reach into his stopped SUV.

The District Attorney charged the officer who was subsequently acquitted at trial.  OK, that’s how the system works.  But wait…there’s more.

The Crutcher family immediately demanded the firing of Tulsa Homicide SGT Dave Walker.  Stating that he conducted a slanted and unfair investigation.tulsa

SGT Walker, you may recall, is often featured on the A&E series “The First 48.”  He’s been a cop over 35 years and has no disciplinary record.

Walker told the District Attorney not to file the charges due to a lack of evidence.  The DA, disregarding Walker’s advise, charged Officer Shelby.  Never mind that Crutcher was wacked out on PCP.  Never mind that Crutcher has a long and violent record and several stretches in the confines of the OK Department of Corrections.  Never mind that the officer thought he was returning to his car to retrieve a weapon and, one more thing…that’s right all he had to do was follow the officer’s orders and everyone would have gone home safe and sound.

Now the Crutcher family wants SGT Walker fired.

Ain’t gonna happen.  May all involved find peace.



Pre and Post Ferguson Policing

I just read an interesting report, “Assailant Study.”  The FBI examined the forces behind the killing of 62 police officers last year.  This is a 56% spike in officer murders over 2015.

Some results were predictable.  86% of the studied assailants had a a violent criminal history.  18% had mental health issues and a gob were dopers.  You know, the usual crapola that any street cop could tell you.

After gathering the above info the FBI contacted a number of police officials.  Surprise, surprise.  Nearly all of those contacted believed the national political leaders stood against them.  That the words and deeds of politicians emboldened and empowered criminals by signifying that disrespecting the law and police officers was OK and the norm.  Police officials also stated that , in the wake of Ferguson, news outlets and social media exposed viewers to a steady narrative of police wrong doing and misconduct.

Experienced cops know the two distinct worlds of policing.  Pre and post Ferguson.  Politicians and others continue to assign ill will to and castigate Americas cops, they will get what they want.  The cops will do nothing.

Chicago comes to mind.  Why would an cop in his/her right mind want to jump off in a situation that could potentially earn them the latest viral FB post.

Some cops are leery of shootFergusoning a violent, drug fueled suspect.  Even at the risk of great bodily harm to themselves.

Maybe, just maybe the new Justice Department and Administration can turn the negative narrative into a positive.  Let’s all hope so.



Comey Exits-Stage Right

Well it’s finally happened.  That’s right the Pres fired the FBI director.

I remember last July when my old partner called me and said …”Find a TV, looks like they’re about to indict that B^%&$.

I headed to the lunch room where about 30 narcotics detectives watched Comey outline all the element of a good, solid case against the former Secretary of State.comey

Then, after all this he said he would not recommend prosecution/indictment because she basically…”Didn’t mean to do anything improper.”

A collective groan emanated from the assembled group.  I, along with most of the country was stunned.  Sending highly classified material through an unsecured system is against the law and places the country at great peril.  Intent does not have to be proved.

I had the opportunity to talk to several Assistant US Attorney’s.  They all stated that they could easily prosecute a case like that and get a conviction.  Easy-Peezie.

With the termination of Mr Comey does this open up the possibility of a renewed look into the actions of the former Secretary of State?  Her lap dogs, to whom she or her assistant sent a number of highly classified transmissions?  Gonna bet some folks damn sure didn’t want to see the former director to go.

The lib talking heads are howling like banshees and they may well have reason to do so.

Hey folks, Venezuela has a no extradition policy.



Mosby Urging Prosecutors to not charge Illegal Immigrants

She just can’t stop.  Can’t stop making a fool of herself.  That’s right, “Cop’s Perspective’s” goofiest prosecutor is at it again.  You’re right.  It’s Marilyn Mosby the oft quoted and most misunderstood State’s Attorney in the country.

This time she’s encouraging prosecutors in her office to give illegal immigrants a break by NOT enforcing the laws against them the same as they would file against a legal immigrant or a US citizen.  What?

She said, in a recent memo to her staff…”As the current administration in Washington continues to increase its efforts to enforce immigration laws we must utilize our discretion by considering the impact on the immigrant population.”

Simply stated…don’t charge ’em.

Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore state's attorney, pauses while speaking during a media availability, Friday, May 1, 2015 in Baltimore. Mosby announced criminal charges against all six officers suspended after Freddie Gray suffered a fatal spinal injury while in police custody. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

As the Baltimore State’s Attorney it is incumbent upon her to uphold the law without taking an offenders immigration status into account.  Maybe the lady justice Mosby sees isn’t blind but has an eye open to the non-citizens and let’s them slide on through. Often to commit additional and more serious crimes.

One must wonder why she would want additional law breakers in her community…oh wait, it’s Marilyn, how silly of me.

Hey Marilyn, how’s that lawsuit filed by the Baltimore 6 coming?  It’s not your fault and you shouldn’t be sued.  Really, you should have thought charging the Baltimore 6 out a bit more thoroughly.  Bet you wish you had huh?

I’ll keep you posted on her next goof.  Should be soon.



Heroism Squared

I know this is not about a cop or cop’s activities or anything like that, but I’d like to digress, just once, to recognize a true American hero.

I’m. of course, referring to Col Leo Thorsness.  A member of the US Air Force and a recipient of the Medal on Honor who left this world recently and is off on another amazing adventure.

Col. Thorsness distinguished himself whilst flying “Wild Weasel” missions over North Vietnam.  These are the guys that knock out the North Vietnamese ground to air missile sites before the other fighter bombers can get to their targets.MOH

On his 88th mission his actions were so inspiring and above and beyond the call of duty that his commander recommended him for the Medal of Honor.

On his 93rd mission he was shot down, captured and remained a POW at the infamous “Hanoi Hilton” for 6 years.  Spending much of his time as a cellmate of John McCain.

His award was not publicized while imprisoned for the obvious reasons.  Just 11 days after his release he was awarded the MOH by President Nixon.

Senator McCain said that while he was a POW rumblings among the POW’s was that Col Thorsness had been recommended for the MOH.  Senator McCain further stated,”Valor like his is hard to keep from men who have great need of it.”

Godspeed Col Thorsness.





Do Something Amazing

Cops have gotten a bad rap lately.  What with Ferguson and other, not so truthfully, but well publicized interactions with citizens that turned out badly.

One of the big groans we all hear all the time is…”The police need to improve their interactions with the community, blah, blah…”

Never mind the proliferation of all the gun violence, drug addiction, broken homes and broken families.  Never mind the  lack of mental health assistance, unemployment, morality or a sense of community.  Improved community relations will fix all that.  Sure it will.copsandkids)

Cops interact with citizens on a daily basis.   It could be a shots fired call or a dispute between husband/wife, neighbors, baby mama/baby daddy.  Cops make a difference because these people have absolutely, positively no place else to turn.

Cops also do things that are small and less discernible but none the less important.  Calm a troubled neighborhood by merely driving down the street.  Talking to a kid that could go either way.  Stop and help a troubled soul with  kind words and direction.

These seemingly insignificant interventions may feel forgettable in the grand scheme but in the lives that the cops touch they are not forgotten.

Do not be frugal with your kindness.




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