
March-Dunce of the Month-Honorable Mention

I’ve just been handed a bulletin from our news room.  After hearing that the prestigious Dunce of the Month Club was not awarded to him our runner-up decided to do something stupid, really stupid.   All criminals know it must be stupid/dumb to make it to the Dunce of the Month.

The suspected burglar

This month’s runner-up was in the process of burglarizing a school in Tucson.  The kids were out on spring break and a locksmith saw him attempting to enter a secured room.  Seeing the locksmith, the errant soul took off.

In the process of making his escape he jumped the spiked fence that surrounds the school.

Being a “thug-in-training” his pants were halfway down his sorry ass.  That’s right, in the attempt to escape and evade our super-dud caught his pants on the spiked fence and he was left dangling upside down.

Dangling, for all the world to see.  His “thug” tatts, his nasty underwear and most assuredly his situation which will go down in thugdom as being the March-Dunce of the Month- Runner-up.  Damn, lotta contestants this month.






March-Dunce of the Month

Wow, lotta contestants but one always rises to the top.Dunce

In this case it’s the dumbass who got caught burglarizing a residence in New Orleans.  He’s apprehended by the constabulary and brought before a judge who sets bond.

Next stop…the bondsman who guarantees this dodo’s next court appearance…for a fee, of course.

Our errant burglar is free to roam the streets again.  This time with the caveat that he wear a GPS monitor, just in case he decided not to attend his next court hearing.

A home in Slidell, just outside of New Orleans is burglarized.  The bondsman notices the crib that’s burglarized appears on this guy’s GPS.slidell-burglar-jps-449f0b0951538bfa

The bondsman calls the cops and they make the pinch.  Our felon is back in the slammer.  He won’t be committing any burglaries for a while.

One must ask, who’d be stupid enough to commit a crime whilst wearing a GPS…why, our March Dunce of the Month Club recipient, that’s who.



Double Amputee Becomes Police officer

In 2011 US Marine Matias  Ferreira stepped on an Improvise Explosive Device.  The result being that this young Marine lost both legs below the knee.  Additionally he suffered a number of shattered bones.  His body was broken, not his spirit.

After a long period of recovery and rehab he set about fulfilling his childhood dream.  That of becoming a Police Officer.

He and his titanium legs applied to the Suffolk County(NY) Police.  With credit for his military service he scored a perfect 100%.Matias_Ferreira

He entered the police academy and passed the grueling 29 week course with flying colors.  This included the mile and a half run, weapon training and law and procedures.

He said, “I’ve been given a second chance.  Not many survive an IED blast.  I won’t give up on myself.”

Throughout his training the Lieutenant in charge of the police academy asked if he need any special accommodations.  His reply was always, “I don’t need anything, sir.”

“A lotta guys are like, what happens if you break your leg?” I always tell ’em, “If I break my leg I go to the trunk and get another one.  If you break your leg your off for a couple months.”

He starts his field training shortly.  With an attitude like that Officer Ferreira will be an asset and example for both the Suffolk County Police and others who gave their limbs in far off lands.

Carry on Officer Ferreira.  Well Done!!

My wife says I should wrote more stories like this.  What say you??





St. Paul Councilman Disses PD, Chief Responds

At a recent city council meeting in St. Paul the proceeding were disrupted by…that’s right, the blm crowd, all 10 of them. They claimed that the police shot and killed a a black man “for no damn reason.” As usual, the Mayor halted the meeting thus empowering and emboldening the rude, contemptuous souls.  Great move guys.

One of the councilmen (D-Frozen Tundra) posted on facebook that the cops were racist, and we needed to build relationships with the community, etc, blah, blah.St_Paul_Badge

The Chief responded by saying he didn’t appreciate his comments about the cops being anything but professional and courteous in their dealing with the public.  Once again, the bargaining unit of the St. Paul Police Department is totally behind the chief on this one.

What’s the cause for the distrust and lack of harmony?  Why the shooting of an African American of course.

Police were called to a domestic dispute on a cold morning.  The focus of the investigation was stopped, pulled a gun and told a number of times to drop the weapon.  He didn’t.  When he raised the gun toward the officers they fired.  Sig 7.  By the way, the subject had an open court date in IL for a weapons offense and court dates in MN for DUI and another weapons offense.  He got got with a semi- auto with an extended magazine.

Once again, we see a situation that had the offender followed the lawful orders of the police he would still be sucking up this polluted air we all breathe.  So knock off the theatrics.  Get a life.  Get a job.  Support those that rely upon you and if you have a gun and the cops tell you to put it down, do so!!

Now, that wasn’t so hard was it?





Marilyn Mosby/Maj Sam In Big Trouble

A federal judge ruled recently that the plaintiffs in the malicious prosecution, defamation and invasion of privacy against Mosby and Maj. Sam can move forward.  The suit charged Mosby and Maj Sam of the Baltimore Sheriffs Office.  You may recall, Mosby is the goof that unlawfully charged the “Baltimore 6” with crimes ranging from unlawful arrest to murder.  This after she claimed to have investigated the case.  Then along comes Maj. Sam.  This bonehead signed the charging document stating that the facts contained in the affidavit were true.  He later said he didn’t know anything about the case…HUH?(See “Cop’s Perspective” 1/9/17)

Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore state's attorney, pauses while speaking during a media availability, Friday, May 1, 2015 in Baltimore. Mosby announced criminal charges against all six officers suspended after Freddie Gray suffered a fatal spinal injury while in police custody. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

In addition, Mosby is facing disbarment proceedings.

Now the juicy part.  5 of the “Baltimore 6” filed the civil suit in federal court.  After hearings and delays, excuses and guesses the judge allowed the case to move forward.  This means that the wrongfully accused Baltimore Police Officers can DEPOSE everyone involved in the bogus prosecution of these honest, hard working officers.  This is going to get interesting.

Gonna bet Mosby and Maj. Sam aren’t getting a lot of sleep lately.  I understand the Attorney’s for the cops are well schooled in the law and eager to move this baby on down the road.maj sam

Wait ’til the subpoena’s start flying.  Mosby and Maj. Sam will be shaking in their boots.

Stay tuned, it’s gonna get good,really good!


www. KenJDye.com

FL GOV Transfers Cop-Killer Case To Prosecutor Who Will Seek Death Penalty

On JAN 9th Orlando Police LT Debra Clayton approached a wanted felon.  The Parolee shot and killed LT Clayton in cold blood.  He later bragged about it on his Facebook page.

After an extensive man hunt this dirty bastard was tracked down and arrested.

Next up, court proceedings.  That’s how the system works.  The prosecutor announced at a new conference…”I have given this issue extensive, painstaking thought and consideration and determined that it is not in the best interest of the community not to pursue the death sentence.”  What??clayton

I wonder what thoughts traveled through LT Clayton’s mind before she was so viciously shot and killed.  Save the “Careful Consideration” crapola for your friends and the sour apple martini set.  The taxpaying public wants and demands justice.  The’re sure not getting it from you.

That’s bullshit!! This scum bag killed a police officer and needs to rot on FL’s death row.

Apparently the Governor thought the same.  He relieved her of her duties in prosecuting the case and assigned it to a neighboring jurisdiction where the prosecutor will seek the death penalty.

Perhaps LT Clayton can rest a little easier knowing that her killer will be tried with the death penalty on the table.

May the family of LT Clayton and the men and women of the Orlando Police Department find peace.



Portland Fire Chief-A Portrait In Courage

The’re at it again in Portland.  After all the demonstrations and riots after the presidential election the little snowflakes represented by a group of pampered pansies claimed that during the protests one of their members was hurt and it took too long for medical attention.  The protester probably got a “butthurt” from seeing the Portland police in riot gear.  (see cop’s perspective, 2/23/17)

The fire chief, after much chin rubbing and reading his tea leaves decided to embed EMT’s with the police during any future protests.  That way they would be able to get to an injured party quicker.  Prior to this fire and EMT units were placed several blocks away from the activity.portland-inauguration-protest-2

Sounds good and makes sense.  Hey wait just a minute.

The same group that griped about EMT’s tepid response continued to whine about EMT’s wearing riot gear and being located within the police ranks.  What.

The same group that wanted a faster response time is now complaining about the EMT’s being with the police.  Said …”it shows that they are with the police and not the fire department.”

Caving to the pressure group the chief took the EMT’s out of the police deployments during pending unrest.

Couple questions pop up here.

  1.  Do the crybabies want a quick medical response?
  2.  Do the crybabies not want the EMT’s embedded with the police?
  3.  Just what in the hell do these fools want?

Apparently they want a quick response without the EMT’s being close to the medical issue.

Whatcha gonna do chief, whatcha gonna do?



New Video, Michael Brown Jr.-Part 2

I happened to be watching Fox News and the broadcaster was interviewing a guy who made a film that he says will disprove everything about the MBJ investigation.  He claimed the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, Bob McCoulloch, influenced the investigation.  Don’t have any idea how that may have happened.  He would have to had some say over the 40 FBI agents and the civil right attorneys from the justice department.  This, on it’s face is preposterous.

The film maker interrupted the broadcaster a number of time, was screaming and looked like he was amped up on coke or meth.MBJ

After he completed his ranting and raving, without making any sense, Bob McColloch appeared and in his cool, calm and collected way refuted all of this goofs accusations.

The only thing the “filmmaker” is trying to do is pump up his movie that played at a film festival in Texas.  Additionally, he opened old wounds and inflamed a segment of the population who believe the whole incident was not properly investigated and prosecuted.

A review of the statements of a number of witnesses and the grand jury testimony clearly show the facts and circumstances surrounding this case and did not warrant prosecution.  State or Federal.

Hey dude, shut up already.  If the FBI and the justice department concluded that Officer Darren Wilson acted within the law.

It is my hope that this does not result in another riot.  May all involved find peace.



New Video of Michael Brown Jr. at the Ferguson Market- He Still Didn’t have To Die.

Oh wow, a new clip from the Ferguson Market shows MBJ in the store about 11 hours before he pulled that stupid stunt and tried to grab then Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson gun.

The video purportedly shows Brown giving the clerk a small quantity of marijuana.  The clerk then looks at the package and gives it back to Brown.  At this juncture ,Brown, refuses to take a bag full of cigarillos.  OK, so what.MBJ

Browns mother says …”it’s all a misunderstanding.  He was only collecting the cigarillos for a previous drug transaction.”  Oh really.  So what his mother is saying that in addition to being a strong arm thief and a person who, foolishly, fights with a police officer and attempts to grab the officers weapon, he’s also a dope dealer.  Well that’s just great Lezlee, (Brown’s mother).

Soon after the clip was shown on St. Louis TV the blm crew came out and “demonstrated” in front of the Ferguson Market. Demonstrating for , oh, I don’t know…something, anything.

The court date for the lawsuit against the city of Ferguson and Darren Wilson is now scheduled for OCT.  Why don’t we all step back, take a deep breath and let this thing play out in Federal Court.  No wait, that’s using rational thinking.  How silly of me.  One more thing.  He really didn’t have to die.  All he had to do was comply with Officer Wilson.  Not attack him.  Mr. Brown died by his own actions.

“Deep Undercover” Link

Bellum Entertainment has released the “Operation bank Robbery” segment of Joe Pistone’s (AKA Donny Brasco) Deep Undercover series.

It can be accessed at this link.


Password: Bellumdeep uc

If you like the show/series please contact Bellum Entertainment.  Just type Bellum Entertainment into your google bar and go to contact.  An outline for your comments will appear.  Just fill in the information section, add your comments and hit SEND.  Voila, your message has been sent.  Wonder how they do that?

Check it out, hope you like it.




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