
Portland aclu Demands Police Not Wear Riot Gear

The Portland branch of the aclu demanded …”Portland Police not wear riot gear in response to protests and potential riots.”  Potential riots huh?  OK, how about these little anarchists not break the law and destroy property, block traffic and otherwise being a general pain in the butt?portland

A number of the “peaceful protesters” were arrested at one of their latest riots/demonstrations/protests.  Yes, the police officers were in riot gear.  Several officers escaped serious injury as rocks, bottles, fireworks and assorted debris bounced off their protective gear.

The aclu claimed the riot equipped officers only added to the volatile situation.  WRONG!!  The law breaking snowflakes who taunt, insult and harass officers, destroy public and private property and interfere with the public’s right to freely travel the streets of Portland are to blame.  Not the cops.

The aclu also bitched about people arrested after they returned to the sidewalk after given numerous lawful orders to, and refusing, to get off the street and quit blocking traffic.

It’s too late to avoid arrest after numerous warnings and they finally retreat to the sidewalk.  It’s not home free after a certain point.  Oh yeah, about that riot gear…the cops will continue to wear the protective gear.  It’s for their safety.  They would just as soon be riding their beat, Protecting and Serving.

One more thing, the pepper spray and riot batons will also be in use.  You’re call boys and girls.

School Stops “High Five Friday” With Cops

Well, they’re at it again.  The cops in Northampton, MA came up with a novel and, I might add, fun way to interact with the kids at the local schools.

Every Friday several Northampton cops would go to the elementary schools and “high five” or shake hands with the kids.  The kids liked it.  The cops liked it and it showed the kids the other side of policing.  That cops really do like kids and they really do like having fun with kids.  It got so out of control that sometimes the cops would even played with the kids at recess.highfive2

Before undertaking such an awesome task, as with any bureaucracies, the program was staffed through appropriate channels.  Boom, the plan goes into action.  Not so fast.

When some parents heard of this terrible display of police power and authority they were shocked and appalled.  In essence they bitched to the schools and the program was cancelled.  The whiny ass parents thought the cops scared the kids.  Especially “kids of color.”  Balderdash!!

These are exactly the kids that need to see that cops are just like everybody else and that they come from the community.  What if one of these”at risk” kids ever got into a pickle and needed a cop?  What if the the kid was lost or needed some type of police assistance.  Who ya gonna call…”Ghost Busters?”  No, they should call those cops that, at one time in their school experience “high fived” everyone on Friday.



Killer Out On Parole: Part 2

I finally tracked down this jerk’s record.  Strangely he has two convictions that I know of.  Robbery and Grand Theft Auto.

It’s interesting to note that this jamoke (Not appropriate to use his name) was released from CA’s infamous Pelican Bay prison on April 16, 2016 and placed on some goofy local probation.  Apparently serving his time at the LA County jail.  If you’re not familiar with Pelican Bay, it’s CA’s Super Max.  Only the worst of the worst go there.

Whilst this mope was on parole or community release or whatever they call it in CA, he managed to get arrested a number of times for probation/parole violations and given short sentences in the LA County jail.

A picture, I won’t show, reveals facial, neck and full sleeve tatts.  This says TROUBLE and GANGBANGER to any cop from a rookie to a 26 year veteran like Wittier police Officer Keith Boyer.badge

Yes this guy was out and free to kill.  Which he did.  His cousin and Officer Boyer.

CA has recently passed a number of bills and propositions that let people like this out early.  OK, here’s the consequences.  I’m sure it’ll be repeated a number of times with other “early releases.”

Governor D-“Moonbeam” says they don’t have the money to build and staff prisons.  They sure have the money to spend on illegals, roads and dams..oh wait, not dams…they don’t have any money to spend on dams.

Ya reap what ya sow folks, ya reap what ya sow.




Why Was This Killer Out On Parole??

Yesterday a Whittier CA police officer was shot and killed by a derelict who was granted parole only a week ago.  Before this dick shot and killed this fine officer he shot his cousin who resides in East Los Angeles.  After killing his cousin he stole a car and, for some reason, drove to Whittier.boyer

Whilst in Whittier the jackass became involved in a traffic accident.  At this point three police officers were dispatched to the scene.  The officers approached those involved in the collision and attempted to get the driver’s licence of the doofus who shot the officers.  The bad guy broadcast “gangbanger” by the full sleeve tatts and gang colors.  Recognizing the outward appearance of a gang member the officers attempted to check the person for any weapons.

Well, he had a gun and used it to shoot all three officers.  In the process killing a 26 year veteran of the Whittier Police Department, Keith Boyer.

As of this writing the name of the shooter has not been released.  I’m of the opinion that when his criminal record is published law abiding citizens and tax payers are going to be pissed.  Gonna go out on a limb here and say this mopeass has a hell of a record and should have been locked up.

May the family and friends of this fine officer find peace.

We’ll talk more about this later.




A Washington State Trooper worked an accident recently.  During the normal course of his investigation he obtained the driver’s license of all involved.  After a routine check he discovered one of the people involved in the accident was identified as a “deportable alien.”images (1)

The Trooper made no effort to detain the subject.  He did notify ICE.  Agents responded to his location and took the individual into custody.  OK, fine.  It’s off to the next speeder or accident.  Not so fast.

When the Governor, D-nuts and bolts, found out about this he ordered a review. Questioning why the Trooper contacted ICE.  Let’s take a look.

The guy involved in the accident had entered the country illegally several times in the past.  He was associated with a major cocaine distribution operation and had a conviction for a drug related matter.  Hell, even out immediate past president wanted these type of illegal alien’s deported.

In response a State Senator R- I’m pissed, wrote a letter to the gov. expressing his disdain for the review and to let the Troopers be Law Enforcement Officers.  Not pawns in a political battle over who and who not to deport.

This is yet another example of the governor sticking his nose under the tent and getting involved in routine law enforcement issues.  Remember what happened to the last governor who did that?  I do.  Jay, D-I’m outta here, Nixon.  He’s the idiot that successfully interfered in the Micheal Brown incident.  He’s gone.

Remember, history repeats itself.






Recently a Baltimore detective saw a young man running…and he had a gun.  The officer chases the youthful offender who foolishly turned toward the officer with a gun in his right hand.  The officer, as he is trained, shot the fleeing felon who was declared dead at the scene.curtis-deal-e1486736975983

The body cam footage was immediately released to the public where it can be viewed on youtube.  No he said, she said…the camera captures every move by the bad guy.  This includes him beginning to raise the gun toward the officer.

This is Baltimore.  No riots, no charges of racism, no marches.  However, this incident did raise the question of why this guy was on the street and armed.  Let’s take a look.

The suspect had been charged with a total of nine drug and gun charges within the last month.  On the third charge, the day before he was shot, he was released by a judge on a $250,000 UNSECURED bond.  He walked out of that courtroom and was killed the very next day.

The mayor of Baltimore said “…Someone with all those gun and drug charges shouldn’t have been on the street.”  Ya think!

Can anyone imagine the ruckus this would have cause had the officer not had a body camera?  The Freddie Gray riots come to mind.

So if a person is detained by the police, and they have that little black camera hanging off their shirt or vest be sure to smile.




UC Berkeley Riots and the Lame Police Response

I recently watched the Berkeley riots. After seeing the protesters break windows, cause fires and beat those waiting the see the scheduled speaker I had to wonder…where are the police?berkeley

The actions of the rioters were “deplorable.”  Why? Because they didn’t agree with the speakers view.  OK, maybe you can engage in a meaningful debate and come away with a different point of view.  No way…who am I kiddin’…no body!!

These self indulged little brats have no intention of listening to any dialog.  Only their own mindset…and don’t confuse me with facts.

What about the cops?  The chief at UC Berkeley, anticipating a ruckus imported over 100 police officers from other California Universities.  OK fine.  The cops were in riot gear.  They could have formed a 2-3 officer deep skirmish line to keep those bent on destruction from doing so.  But NOOOooo.

The Chief, quivering in her Halston boots told the cops not to engage or assist anyone.  She, shamefully, ordered the cops to “shelter in place.”

This had to be a most disdainful order. especially when the officers could see and hear victims being beaten and injured right outside their door.

This is a national disgrace.  The governance of UC Berkeley, especially the Chief got some ‘splanin to do.  How dumb can these people be.  The individuals beaten and injured will turn to the court system (Think Marilyn Mosby) to get redress for their grievances.  What happened to “Serve and Protect?”

Special tip O’ the “Cop’s Perspective” hat to Randy Sutton and the Blue Lives Matter network!!


www. KenJDye.com


Obama DOJ-Trump DOJ

justice on fireThe Obama DOJ hurried to get out the “report” on the Chicago Police Department.  As one would expect they found a pattern of unlawful stops, excessive use of force and and “implicit” bias.

Same deal with Baltimore and to no ones surprise, found basically the same thing.

This indicates an “implicit” agenda, not an investigation.  The automatons conducting the police department reviews had marching orders from the very top of the DOJ.  Disgraceful!!

The report I’m familiar with is the amateurish, sloppy report on the Ferguson Police Department.  Much of the report is based on “Anecdotal” evidence.  Evidence that could have easily been substantiated or debunked.

I had the occasion to speak with several LAPD commanders who stated that the 13 years of a heavy handed DOJ  consent decree only generated layers of administrative bureaucracy that took away valuable time on the street.

The new Attorney General stated in 2008,”Consent decrees are dangerous.”  Calling them “Exercises of raw power that constitute an end run around the democratic process.”

The DOJ investigations are brought about by a use of force incident.  Here’s a bulletin for the eggheads at PERF and the DOJ.  Uses of force, no matter how justified, ain’t pretty.

Maybe the Justice Department can refocus on crime.  Chicago comes to mind.  Put a few aggressive gun squads in the ‘hood and take the cases federally.  Maybe the violators will get more time than in the state courts and make these American communities safer.  They can’t do much worse.




It’s happening again.  A silly, self aggrandizing 2-bit politician makes hideous statements about a police officer and gets sued in the process.  Oh great.

Wapato, WA officer Michael Campos was involved in a fatal OIS in the town of Wapato.  A domestic disturbance that went sideways …in a big hurry.  Officer Campos shot and killed the attacker.  A review by the Prosecuting Attorney and the WA Attorney General’s office ruled the shooting to be justified.  OK, back on the street.  Not so fast.wapatopolicedepartment

Mayor Tony “dumbass” Guzman said, in a FB post, “What a piece of shit…He deserves to die in prison…it’s people like you that give Latinos a bad name…You are a disgrace to the PD…never show your face in Wapato again, and take the Chief with you.”  Strong and undeserved words from a “no nothing” who doesn’t realize the baggage this officer will carry for the rest of his life.

The mayor and the police department may disagree, as is the case with many departments but to take to FB and demean this officer is totally out of bounds.

Accordingly, officer Campos contacted a “police friendly” attorney and is in the process of suing the city for defamation and creating a hostile work environment.

Guess all the goofy politicians don’t govern from Washing DC.



On January 6th a nutjob got off a flight from Anchorage to Ft. Lauderdale. He reclaimed his checked bag, a gun, went to the bathroom loaded it with one magazine and placed the other magazine in his pocket.  He then proceed to shoot and kill 5 passengers and wound 6 others.  This goof met the criteria for being placed on a no fly list.  Let’s take a look.

This wipe went to the FBI office in Anchorage told them he was being forced to watch ISIS video’s and was being “forced” to conduct terrorist activities by the CIA.  Which, by the way, was controlling his mind.  The FBI called the constabulary who transported the potential terrorist to the local psychiatric facility.  Oh yeah, he had the gun with him when he came to the FBI office.law-enforcement-at-fort-lauderdale-airport_qksskhat1gdg10onkecpldrrb

A quick background check would have revealed he was on ISIS chat sites, had a less than honorable discharge from the military and had a number of run-ins with the Anchorage police department.

The FBI spokesman, S/A “It’s Not My Fault” said at a news conference he didn’t fit the criteria for the no-fly list.  I beg to differ. (See Cop’s Perspective 12/29/15)

Wonder what the family members of the victims think about the continuous and unending “Blame Game?”  Probably not much…yeah,me too.




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