
NAACP Issues Travel Alert For Missouri

The president of the MO NAACP recently issued a “Travel Alert” for blacks, women, LGBT and other minorities traveling to or through Missouri.  Advising them to use “Extreme caution,” whilst traveling through or visiting the “Show-Me State.”

When questioned about the advisory he stated that… “it followed a new law that makes it harder for fired employees to prove racial discrimination.”  He also said that…” there were widespread civil rights violations occurring in the state that are not being addressed by local or state authorities.”MO flag

I did a little checking.  The MO Governator signed a bill recently that states an individual must prove that the reason for the grievance must be the “motivating factor.” The previous bill was only required to show the action taken against a protected class was a “contributing factor.”

It’s interesting to note that 37 other states as well as the EEOC use the “motivating factor” requirement for their laws and administrative rules and regulations.

The MO Attorney General said, “This law will stop a number of frivolous lawsuits.”

You know…like the silly ones currently being pursued by the Ferguson rioters because they got a “butthurt” as a result of the cops wearing riot gear, or used tear gas or stuck their tongue out at the rioters…blah, blah.

Missourians are friendly and warm folks.  So come on and enjoy the hospitality of these fine residents.

Drive careful now, ya hear.

Special tip of the “Cop’s Perspective” hat to Jay Hollis and “The Blue Line Alliance for Southern Indiana.



Published by Ken Dye

Having grown up in Missouri, Ken Dye graduated from Northeastern Missouri State University (now Truman State University) and served his country. When he returned to St. Louis, he joined the St. Louis County Police Department and served in the tactical operations unit, as an undercover narcotics and homicide detective, and with the intelligence bureaus. After 13 years, he moved to Chicago to work with the Illinois Criminal Justice Authority. He is the author of three books: two crime novels, Shadow of the Arch and Beyond the Shadow of the Arch and Michael Brown, Jr. didn’t have to die, a non-fiction narrative. For more information about the author, visit www.KenJDye.com.

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