In 2011 2 St. Louis police officers,on patrol, observed what they thought to be a drug deal in progress. They attempted to stop the car occupied by the dealer. The car attempted to run over the officers and took off. A pursuit followed with the errant drug dealer crashing the car. One of the officers shot and killed the occupant.
After the DOJ and the then Circuit Attorney decided not to charge the officer the case was put on the shelf. Not so fast

A new Circuit Attorney was elected in the last cycle and resurrected the case. She charged the cop with 1st degree murder.
The case was heard by a judge in a bench trial. The former officer found not guilty.
Enter the hoodrats and ever offended. “We’ll turn this city to ashes…” and other threats soon decended on the airwaves, print media and, of course, social media. Demonstrations and destruction were planned to take place over the SEPT weekend of 15-17th.
OK, demonstrations are part and partial to our constitution. Fine.
Area law enforcement made plans. The govenator said demonstrate peacefully and everything will be OK. Damage, destroy or interfere with police and arrests will be made. A far cry from the “hug-a-thug” mentality imposed by the former governor during the michael brown riots.
The cops were ready. Arrests made and the demonstrations fizzled. The news trucks packed up their “lets stir up a riot kits” and departed.
Never has St. Louis area law enforcement stood taller than this last weekend. Bless ’em all!