
The Price Of Valor

I recently had the privilege of speaking with a young officer who left the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department on a medical (PTSD) retirement after 12 years of faithful and dedicated service.

Oh yeah, this fine man is the holder of five, that’s right, five medals of valor.  This is bestowed by the “Crusade Against Crime” and has been hung around the neck of JC five times.  Unheard of in police circles.

How can this be?  Aggressive police work.  Knowing the criminal element.  Right place, right time.  All of these played into the shootings, chases and, sometimes violent, take downs.Badge_StL_City_contrast_web

After an incident all the cops high-fived.  Complements all around.  Followed by the drinking until 4:00 AM.  These monsters finally got the better of this fine man and he sought psychiatric help.  OK, fine.  Treated with a smorgasborg of pills that only added to the already volatile situation.

Referred to a psychotherapy group composed of court ordered felons attempting to avoid another stretch in the joint.  No Help.  Further into the abyss.

With the help of his wife JC found his way to a treatment center that specialized in veterans and first responders.  This worked.  Finally.

Departments throughout the nation must stop pandering to the criminal element and refocus on assisting officers in need of aid.




Published by Ken Dye

Having grown up in Missouri, Ken Dye graduated from Northeastern Missouri State University (now Truman State University) and served his country. When he returned to St. Louis, he joined the St. Louis County Police Department and served in the tactical operations unit, as an undercover narcotics and homicide detective, and with the intelligence bureaus. After 13 years, he moved to Chicago to work with the Illinois Criminal Justice Authority. He is the author of three books: two crime novels, Shadow of the Arch and Beyond the Shadow of the Arch and Michael Brown, Jr. didn’t have to die, a non-fiction narrative. For more information about the author, visit www.KenJDye.com.

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