
School Stops “High Five Friday” With Cops

Well, they’re at it again.  The cops in Northampton, MA came up with a novel and, I might add, fun way to interact with the kids at the local schools.

Every Friday several Northampton cops would go to the elementary schools and “high five” or shake hands with the kids.  The kids liked it.  The cops liked it and it showed the kids the other side of policing.  That cops really do like kids and they really do like having fun with kids.  It got so out of control that sometimes the cops would even played with the kids at recess.highfive2

Before undertaking such an awesome task, as with any bureaucracies, the program was staffed through appropriate channels.  Boom, the plan goes into action.  Not so fast.

When some parents heard of this terrible display of police power and authority they were shocked and appalled.  In essence they bitched to the schools and the program was cancelled.  The whiny ass parents thought the cops scared the kids.  Especially “kids of color.”  Balderdash!!

These are exactly the kids that need to see that cops are just like everybody else and that they come from the community.  What if one of these”at risk” kids ever got into a pickle and needed a cop?  What if the the kid was lost or needed some type of police assistance.  Who ya gonna call…”Ghost Busters?”  No, they should call those cops that, at one time in their school experience “high fived” everyone on Friday.



Published by Ken Dye

Having grown up in Missouri, Ken Dye graduated from Northeastern Missouri State University (now Truman State University) and served his country. When he returned to St. Louis, he joined the St. Louis County Police Department and served in the tactical operations unit, as an undercover narcotics and homicide detective, and with the intelligence bureaus. After 13 years, he moved to Chicago to work with the Illinois Criminal Justice Authority. He is the author of three books: two crime novels, Shadow of the Arch and Beyond the Shadow of the Arch and Michael Brown, Jr. didn’t have to die, a non-fiction narrative. For more information about the author, visit www.KenJDye.com.

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