
Chicago vs The US DOJ

Yesterday Chicago Mayor R. Emanuel (D-“I will protect all alien felons”) said he will sue the DOJ for blocking Byrne Criminal Justice Grant funds to the city.  The reason for the suit?  Chicago refuses to follow federal immigration laws.  Last year Chicago was given 3.2 million dollars to bolster law enforcement operations.  This year the city anticipates roughly the same amount.

The Mayor said “Chicago will not be blackmailed into changing our values, and will remain a welcoming city.”  Looks to me like he’s using “sanctuary” and “welcoming” synonymously.  Seems like even the most pulp headed taxpayer knows when a plume is being puffed into their kilt.justice on fire

The DOJ, for their part fired back.  “In 2016, more Chicagoan were murdered than in NYC and LA combined.  …the mayor is less concerned with that figure than he is about protecting the city.”

It’s been rumored that AG Sessions will soon approach Emanuel, strike him in the face with a damp glove and challenge him to a duel.  Your choice of weapons Mr. Mayor.  Water guns or cream pies.

Hey mayor.  All you have to do is notify ICE 48 hrs before a criminal alien is released from custody.  That doesn’t seem like too much for 3.something million.  Just call, they’ll haul.

The Chicago law department would be well served if they reviewed the cases of Kate Steinle (See Cop’s Perspective 11/19/16) and Portland’s blunder (See Cop’s Perspective 8/1/17).





NAACP Issues Travel Alert For Missouri

The president of the MO NAACP recently issued a “Travel Alert” for blacks, women, LGBT and other minorities traveling to or through Missouri.  Advising them to use “Extreme caution,” whilst traveling through or visiting the “Show-Me State.”

When questioned about the advisory he stated that… “it followed a new law that makes it harder for fired employees to prove racial discrimination.”  He also said that…” there were widespread civil rights violations occurring in the state that are not being addressed by local or state authorities.”MO flag

I did a little checking.  The MO Governator signed a bill recently that states an individual must prove that the reason for the grievance must be the “motivating factor.” The previous bill was only required to show the action taken against a protected class was a “contributing factor.”

It’s interesting to note that 37 other states as well as the EEOC use the “motivating factor” requirement for their laws and administrative rules and regulations.

The MO Attorney General said, “This law will stop a number of frivolous lawsuits.”

You know…like the silly ones currently being pursued by the Ferguson rioters because they got a “butthurt” as a result of the cops wearing riot gear, or used tear gas or stuck their tongue out at the rioters…blah, blah.

Missourians are friendly and warm folks.  So come on and enjoy the hospitality of these fine residents.

Drive careful now, ya hear.

Special tip of the “Cop’s Perspective” hat to Jay Hollis and “The Blue Line Alliance for Southern Indiana.



Should have Called ICE Before You Let This Guy Out.

A 20 time deported felon sat in the Multnomah County, OR, (think Portland) detention facility.  This jerk had a number of felony convictions, not only from OR but from TX and CA.  The usual crapola, drugs, vehicle theft, burglary and domestic abuse.  He is an admitted meth abuser and uses daily.  Hey, no biggie says the Sheriff.Sergio_Jose_Martinez_31

ICE had a detainer on his funky butt.  All the Sheriff had to do was notify ICE that he had served his time on the state charge and would be released on a specific date.  Just notify them, not hold him beyond his release date.  Phone, e-mail, smoke signals, carrier pigeon..anything.  Hell, if I can send an e-mail surely someone in the Sheriff’s office can.  But Noooo, we can’t do that says the Sheriff.

OK, so this guy gets kicked loose and he goes on to do great things to the benefit of humanity. Wrong.

What he does is smoke a quantity of meth and kidnap and sexually assault two women.  One being a 64 year old grandmother.

Oh, he’s back in custody and facing some extremely serious charges.  Did it have to come to this.  No.  All the Sheriff had to do was contact ICE and let them know he’s due for release.  This would have made the area a bit safer…sure enough for the two victims.

After all it’s the Sheriff’s job to make the citizens safe from this kind of animal.

in this case the Sheriff flunked.  Let’s get back to PROTECT and SERVE…everyone, not just the illegal felons.


www.KenJDye.com Run Tom Run!

Policing Ferguson-Policing America, Part II

I just finished Tom Jackson’s book.  Wow, what a page turner.

Tom was smack in the middle of the upheaval that resulted from the shooting of Michael Brown.  He was asked to resign, but refused.  One of those calls came from US SEN claire mckaskill (D-I Hate Cops).TJ

Let’s unwind this a bit.  SEN mckaskill will be running for office again next year.  Congress and the Senate have an approval rating in the single digits.  Police have an approval rating of around 75%.  SEN mckaskill supported the rioters, which she referred to as peaceful protesters.  Nothing peaceful about it.  Additionally, the majority of those arrested were NOT from the St. Louis area.  Some came from as far away as NY and CA.

A number of non-politicians have recently run for office and defeated their opponents.  The President and the Governor of Missouri come to mind.

There currently exists an underground movement to have Tom Jackson, the former Chief of the Ferguson, MO Police Department, run for the office of US Senator in opposition to SEN mckaskill.  Do the math senator.  Cops and their sphere of influence vote a hell of a lot more than out of town rioters.  Her unwanted and unnecessary interference in the Ferguson matter may be her undoing.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if Tom Jackson ran for this office and called SEN mckaskill and DEMANDED her resignation.

Run Tom, run!



Another Example of Police Brutality–Not So Fast

Last Thursday 2 Rainbow City, Alabama Police officers stopped a truck with no taillights.  Good reason for a stop.  The truck was occupied by 2 people.  As part of an investigation into any traffic stop is to determine who these people are.

The driver complied.  The passenger gave a false name.  Upon further investigation it was determined that the passenger was, in fact, wanted on a felony drug warrant and several traffic warrants.  OK, a routine arrest…not so fast.  The wanted subject exited the vehicle and jumped off a bridge falling 19 feet in order to evade arrest.

This unwise activity caused a broken leg, the loss of his front teeth and his tongue was nearly bitten off upon impact.

The next day his family posted on facebook that the police had beaten him and thrown him off the bridge.  All with photographs showing our, not so fleet of foot felon, suffering the injuries.  Needless to say the post, as they say, went VIRAL!!  Enraged citizens threatened police officers throughout the country for the perceived brutality.

But wait…there’s more.  In today’s policing body cams are becoming the norm.  Chief Jonathan Horton reviewed the body cam footage that clearly showed the suspect running away and jumping off the bridge. RBC Chief

The chief released a 30 minute video of the event showing the officers acted in a calm, deliberate and professional manner.  Even rendering first aid.

Remember when all the talking heads and the blm folks were demanding body cams.  Well, they got their wish and many of these false and slanderous claims have been laid bare exposing the bad guys for what they are.  Lairs and thugs!!





Policing Ferguson-Policing America by Tom Jackson

Tom’s new book, Policing Ferguson-Policing America will be out on August 1st.  Don’t let this one pass you by.  It’s written by the former Chief of the Ferguson Police Department…and he should know.  Tom stood his ground after the shooting of mbj by Officer Darren Wilson.  Tenuous ground indeed.Tom jackson

After the incident on Aug 9, 2014 it seemed like everyone and everything turned against the Chief.  The Missouri Governor other 2-bit politicians and that great American (NOT) sen claire mccaskill (D-I hate cops).

Everyone played into the false thought process of “kinder and gentler” policing.  Works great when at a community meeting where the crowd is semi- friendly.  During a riot, where the heard mentality takes place, not so much.  Idiots making uninformed and untrue tweets and FB posts.  All in order to inflame the already amped up protesters.

Tom’s new book examines the impact of Ferguson, MO a previously quiet bedroom community for St. Louis as it is thrust into the national and international spotlight.  That spotlight did not shine on the good and heroic efforts of law enforcement.  Nooooo, but rather the plight of the poor, disenfranchised rioter.  God I hate the word “disenfranchised!”

A little about Tom Jackson.  Tom served as a member of the St. Louis County Police department for over thirty years.  During this time he distinguished himself for actions above and beyond the call of duty and rose to the rank of Captain.

Upon retirement Tom assumed the position as the Chief of Police for the City of Ferguson.

I’m running out of room…but there is a movement afoot to draft Tom to run against mccaskill in next years senate race…more on that soon.

Let’s make this book a best seller.  I’ve ordered my copy, how about you?



Waco PD Cops Want To Donate Sick Time To Officer With Cancer

Waco Police Officer Nicki Stone

Waco Police Officer Nicki Stone is battleing breast cancer and used up her sick, vacation and holiday time.  As this is a real “Officer In Need Of Aid” other members of the department stepped up to the plate.  They offered to donate a portion of their sick time to officer Stone.  Considering the situation a truly noble and decent thing to do.  OK fine.

Not so fast.  Waco city manager pooh-poohed the plan saying it …”Would negatively impact the city financially.”  What?

The head of the Waco Police Officers Association said that a number of Officers wanted to donate a portion of their sick time until Stone could return to work.  Expected to be sometime around the middle of August.  He said the city will pay for 720 hours of sick time at the time of retirement.  Anything more than that is not paid for.  He said the city claims that the donated sick time is “…An expenditure it otherwise wouldn’t have to pay.”  Horse manure!!

Note to city manager-How about not spending excessively when attending “meetings” at exotic locations.  Just a thought.

Lest we forget any organization, in this case the City of Waco the best commodity they have is its employees and taking care of them should be paramount.

Hey, city manager…get with the program and let these fine officers donate their sick time to this “officer in need of aid.”



Enter The hero’s-US Capitol Police

Republican and staff members of the US Congress were having an early morning softball practice in preparation for the Dems vs. Repubs annual softball game.  A long standing tradition with the proceeds going to local charities.  Good cause and buy in from both parties.  No jawboning about political matters.

Accompanying the congressmen were two US Capitol Police Special Agents as part of the majority whip’s security detail.

Suddenly, a man appeared with an AR-15 and began firing at the players and anybody near the field.  A weak minded troll who wanted to kill as many Republicans as he could.  If not for the brave and decisive action of the officers he may have accomplish a great deal of death and maiming.

The officers sprang into action.  Drawing their weapons and immediately engaging the threat.  Soon the shooting stopped.  The gunman lay dead.  Congressman Steve Scalise R-LA lay critically wounded.  Several others, including the two officers were wounded.

Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to S/A David Bailey and S/A Crystal Griner for their capitol cops2gallant and heroic action on this day.  They conducted themselves in a manner consistent with the motto of the capitol Police.  “A tradition of Service and protection.”

On behalf of a grateful nation we thank you for your dedication and professionalism.  their action reflect great credit on themselves and the US Capitol Police.

May god bless those that “Serve and Protect.”



Baton Rouge Chief Refuses To Fire Officer.

At long last.  A police chief with a set of balls who stands up for his officer(s).

Baton Rouge mayor, sharon broome, D-law..what law, recently directed Chief Carl Dabadie to fire the officer who shot and killed alton sterlings last July.baton rouge

The hue and cry went up.  Major disturbances and riots followed.  A weak minded soul that bought into all the fiery rhetoric ambushed and killed three police officers and wounded three others in Baton Rouge.

Last year was a tough time for our nations police officers.

The officer who shot sterling was investigated by the DOJ.  No charges were filed and you know they really wanted to hang something on this guy.  The shooting was within the law and department policy.

Responding to the request/demand from the mayor the Chief refused.  Saying the matter was still under investigation by the LA attorney general.  Chances are that no charges would be filed.  Remember Baltimore and Tulsa.

Once again, all Mr. Sterlings had to do was comply.  That doesn’t seem too outlandish does it?

Great job Chief.  Stick to your guns and may god bless the men and women of the Baton Rouge Police Department.



NYC Mayor DeBozo to Honor Terrorist

Mayor DeBozo D-hello suckers, is planning to march with the recently released terrorist oscar lopez, in the upcoming June 11th National Puerto Rican Day parade.

Lopez, active in the FLAN was a bomb maker, a terrorist tactics teacher and procurer of weapons and explosives.  Bombs were planted in NYC, Chicago and DC.  Killing at least 4 and injuring 23.  All in furtherance of the cause of Puerto Rican independence.

President Obama commuted his sentence, saying “he never really was found guilty of any actual bombings.”  You know, like Bin Laden wasn’t responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

DeBozo said “there are over 700,000 Puerto Rican residents in the city.”  That’s right, but I’ll bet that only a small number of those residents support lopez and his actions.  Every time the vote for Purto Rican independence comes up it is soundly defeated.

Be careful mayor.  You may be the recipient of the residents NOT voting for you.  Hope so.

One person who will not vote for you is a former NYPD Detective NYPD FLANwho attempted to disarm a bomb at 1 police plaza.  When the bomb went off he lost sight in one eye, both eardrums were blown out as well as numerous other injuries.

A number of pols that previously marched will not do so this time.  Gov. cuomo D-Trump’s responsible, is still considering his participation.  Another profile in courage.  NOT!!




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