I was gonna write something about that nutjob in NY that wouldn’t give cops protective equipment…but then this caught my eye.
In VA a cop killer, sentenced to LIFE was granted parole. After an outcry from the family, VA police associations and some politicians the order was put on hold for 30 days. You know to give them time to review their regs. etc…and also to see witch way the political winds blew.
OK, chew on this…in 1979 a young and promising Richmond cop stopped a car going the wrong way. As he approached the car the driver shot him in the neck. As the officer lay on the street the thug shot him a number of times in the head.
The mopeazz was convicted and sentenced to life…no parole. Well he got paroled and it was cancelled just as he was leaving the “joint.” One upset state senator was upset. Why you ask? Because he was in his street clothes and ready to leave.
Too damn bad. Maybe that cop was planning on going home to his family that terrible night. 2-man cars!!
Great article, in the department I was on, (ret.) we had two man cars when the schedule permitted it. The department my fathers was on, always had two man cars. When the union went to the mayor and asked for them all the time, his comment was that he didn’t want two guys sitting around drinking coffee! I guess he didn’t realize it was for our safety.
Agree…the’re usually running from call to call. That’s the way a lot of pols look at cops, as a necessary evil. Really a pity, that is until they need one! Stay Safe Bro!