
Pre and Post Ferguson Policing

I just read an interesting report, “Assailant Study.”  The FBI examined the forces behind the killing of 62 police officers last year.  This is a 56% spike in officer murders over 2015. Some results were predictable.  86% of the studied assailants had a a violent criminal history.  18% had mental health issues and a gob …

Comey Exits-Stage Right

Well it’s finally happened.  That’s right the Pres fired the FBI director. I remember last July when my old partner called me and said …”Find a TV, looks like they’re about to indict that B^%&$. I headed to the lunch room where about 30 narcotics detectives watched Comey outline all the element of a good, …

Mosby Urging Prosecutors to not charge Illegal Immigrants

She just can’t stop.  Can’t stop making a fool of herself.  That’s right, “Cop’s Perspective’s” goofiest prosecutor is at it again.  You’re right.  It’s Marilyn Mosby the oft quoted and most misunderstood State’s Attorney in the country. This time she’s encouraging prosecutors in her office to give illegal immigrants a break by NOT enforcing the …

Heroism Squared

I know this is not about a cop or cop’s activities or anything like that, but I’d like to digress, just once, to recognize a true American hero. I’m. of course, referring to Col Leo Thorsness.  A member of the US Air Force and a recipient of the Medal on Honor who left this world …

Do Something Amazing

Cops have gotten a bad rap lately.  What with Ferguson and other, not so truthfully, but well publicized interactions with citizens that turned out badly. One of the big groans we all hear all the time is…”The police need to improve their interactions with the community, blah, blah…” Never mind the proliferation of all the …

April Dunce of the Month

Sorry for not getting the Dunce of the month for April in on time.  I was in St. Louis attending the memorial breakfast for the officers killed in the line of duty. This is a doozy and comes to us from a McDonald’s in Ottawa, Canada.  This month’s dunce stole/smuggled over 80 pounds of chicken …

Cop Killers-Hot Calls and Fast Cars

I recently read that in the past 10 days 3 officers were killed in one car accidents.  According to ODMP there is a 45% jump in the number of officers killed in crashes when compared to last year. You get the call, “Officer in Need of Aide” or some other type of “hot” call.  Your …

DOJ to Revisit Consent Decrees

With all he muck being thrown around our nations capitol lately the directive by the Attorney General to review all current and contemplated “consent decrees” went largely unnoticed. You know, those reports on 13 of our nations police departments that all…”exhibited a racial bias, found violations when confronting citizens and used excessive force whilst making …

IACP Endorses “Warning Shots”

Yep, that’s right.  The International Association of Chief’s of Police by their Deputy Executive Director and past president, Terrance Cunningham says,…”Let’s give the officers more tools, I think it’s the right thing to do.” Let’s unwind this rascal.  Cnningham is the former President of the IACP.  Holds office in a number of police organizations throughout …

March-Dunce of the Month-Honorable Mention

I’ve just been handed a bulletin from our news room.  After hearing that the prestigious Dunce of the Month Club was not awarded to him our runner-up decided to do something stupid, really stupid.   All criminals know it must be stupid/dumb to make it to the Dunce of the Month. This month’s runner-up was …

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