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Don’t Be Swingin’ At Memphis Cops

Last week some dodo was arrested for making a scene at a famous Memphis restaurant.   The cops arrived and asked the unruly patron to leave the Blues City Cafe on world famous Beale Street. Like a lot of drunks he protested and continued to disturb the Blues patrons.  He was escorted off the premises and …

Wild Chase/Shootout By Las Vegas PD

Unless you’ve been under a rock or in a coma I’m sure you’ve seen the video of the LVMPD cop who chased down 2 murder suspects.  That is, pursuing the suspects whilst shooting through the windshield of his marked unit. Oh yeah, just in case those non-cops think it’s just horrible to shoot from a …

Would Be Rapist Picks Wrong Victim

In Lawrence County TN, the wife of a Sheriffs Deputy was attacked by a scumbag who attempted to rape the 5′ 3″ woman.  Oh yeah, she weighs about 100 pounds. During the attack she managed to take the goofs knife away and stabbed him  several times.  She also bit him on the chest leaving a …

Cop Killer, Served 2 Life Terms, Up For Parole

I guess New York isn’t the only place where they parole cop killers.  So does Missouri.  A jerk who killed 3 people, one being a Florissant, MO DET SGT has served his 2 life terms.  What?  Is this SOB still alive?  Since he is he has NOT served his 2 life terms.  He hasn’t even …

OR Deputies Stop Helping In Arrest After Realizing They Were Helping ICE

What in the world in going on in Oregon?  2 ICE agents were taking a subject into custody at the Washington County Courthouse after the wanted jamoke made an appearance for 4, that’s right, 4 NEW felonies. Since OR has been a sanctuary state for a number of years and the officials get their panties in …

Old Cops Swing Into Action-Subdue bad Guy With A “Less Lethal” Can Of Beans

The Bay County FL Sheriff, Chief Deputy and a Major were on their way to lunch.  The radio crackled with a desperate call for a guy in a grocery store who had fired a shot and was terrorizing customers. The three cops pulled into the parking lot and quickly entered the store.  They soon saw …

Baltimore States Attorney Strikes Again

In a juvenile courtroom in Baltimore some little gangbanger is charged with GTA. The state’s attorney and the public defender discuss what should be done with this little weasel.  The state’s attorney, after some serious chin rubbing, decides that giving the defendant another chance would be inline with marilyn mosby’s directives on giving offender’s the …

Let’s Get In Front Of These School Shootings

It happened again.  This time in Santa Fe, TX.  That’s right another goof wanted to shoot up the school. First off, let’s not publicize this jerk.  Too much appeal to the next weak minded trolls who long for their 15 minutes…at the expense of other kids.,  Not acceptable. This one really bothers me, as it …

Justice Denied-Cop Killer Released

Sorry I haven’t posted lately.  Had my left shoulder rearranged and couldn’t type.  All better so let’s roll! Keeping up with police news I was disheartened to learn that a vicious, heartless cop killer had been released from the NY prison system.  herman bell, responsible for the murders of NYPD officers Lauri and Foster in  in …

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