
Minneapolis City Council Wants To Disband Police Department. G-For It!

In the oh so progressive city of Minneapolis a number of alderboobs want to do away with the cops. They are scratching their collective heads and hand wringing about how to accomplish the task. It’s easy. When you get the votes just make a motion…you know Robert’s Rules. Then make a big announcement and tell …

While others Riot, Philly Gangsters Blow Up ATM’s. Not All Successfully.

What with all the rioting and unrest throughout the nation a bunch of Philly gang-bangers came up with an original idea. While the cops are all busy with the protests and stuff let’s go blow up some ATM’s and grab the $$. Where these guys got the explosives and the training in the care, use …

2 Atlanta Cops Fired After Enforcing Curfew

In Atlanta last night 2 college students were cruising through police lines near the scene of violent rioting. A curfew had been issued by the mayor, keisha-something-something. The curfew was intended to quell the faux angry crowd and their antics. A police line had been set up to stop unauthorized folks from entering the area. …

Watertown,MA Sgt, Who Shot One Of The Boston Bombers, Retires

SGT John MacLellan of the Watertown, MA PD retired after 30 of honorable and valorous service. SGT Mac tracked down and engaged in a lengthy gun battle with one of the Boston Marathon bombers. The encounter left one bomber DRT and his brother on the run. His actions that night earned him the police Medal …

NOPD Cop Gets Dad’s Badge After Father Succumbs To COVID

The son of a 35 year veteran of the NOPD had his dad’s badge pinned upon his chest after the death of his father. Mark Hall Sr. fell victim to the COVID virus just one day before the private pinning ceremony. In true cop fashion, the ceremony proceeded with Mark Hall Jr.’s mother affixing the …

In Houston, Creep in Jail For Capitol Murder Given Bail

A violent felon, brian bullock, in pre-trial confinement for Capitol Murder, is given bail by judge abigial anastasio, of the 184th District Court. If you’d like to give her a call her # is 832-927-3900. I’m sure she’d be glad to hear from you. The murderer, who was out on bail for felony assault, killed …

CA Governator Says Cops And Firefighters First To Face Layoffs If State Not Given $$

He’s at it again. That’s right CA gov newsom (D-Cops, we don’t need cops) says that if the federales don’t give CA a bunch of $$, first responders will be the ones to lose their jobs. “…The next time they wanna salute our heroes, consider the fact that they’ll be the first ones laid off …

Fresno Sheriff Says They Won’t Follow COVID Orders. Too Busy Catching Early release Felons.

Sheriff Margaret Mims said her department is way too busy chasing all the 8-balls released on a no bail arrest, which are most, and the early release of convicts. The govenator, G. Newsom (D-ding-bat) ordered CA law enforcement to administer his edict criminalizing social distancing, wearing a mask, no groups…blah, blah. Additionally he ordered the …

Good-Bye, Eddie Haskell, America’s Bad-Boy and LAPD Cop

Ken Osmond, better known as Eddie Haskell on the Leave it to Beaver TV series has checked into the heavenly precinct. That’s right, Osmond who died last week was an LAPD motorcycle cop. He joined the department in 1970 after his acting career sputtered. In 1980 Officer Osmond and his partner were paroling the Ramparts …

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