
Another Chief/City Officials Fall Victim To The “Cancel Culture”

In Lansing, MI the department posts an annual tribute to murdered police K-9 Sabre. This is placed on the departments website and has always been viewed as a tribute to this brave and dedicated K-9. Sabre and a creep in a criminal act, were killed during a shootout with “hot prowl” burglars in 1999. Comments …

Santa Rosa, CA Chief Takes Down “Blue Lives Matter” Banner Donated To The PD By Citizens.

The spineless Chief of the Santa Rosa PD took down a “Blue lives Matter” Banner donated to the department by a number of residents who appreciate the work of law enforcement. A segment of the city thought the banner to be frightful, demeaning and a bunch of other stuff the ever offended say about a …

12 National Guard Troops Sent Home After Being Activated For Potential Unrest In DC

The British are coming, the British are coming…no wait, that was way back in history. It wasn’t the Brits, it was Americans with the potential to cause a big ruckus at the presidential inauguration. OK, let’s activate the Guard to the tune of 25,000 troops. Once on station some brainiac said “Let’s check these folks …

In Philly, Judge reduces Bail For Violent Felon…2 Weeks Later Murders Man Walking His Dog

Here’s one that’ll have you scratching you’re head. A judge in Philly lowered bail for a violent felon. The goof was locked up for robbery and kidnapping. Whilst in the can he assaulted a corrections officer who required hospitalization. Sounds like a guy who deserves a low bail, huh? Oh yeah, this jerk has 2 …

…And The Hits Just Keep On Comin’

Being a cop has always been a tough and challenging profession. What with all the general and special orders, internal affairs and a group of folks always critiquing you’re operations and actions. But wait…there’s more. That’s right…the elected (insert you’re opinion here) in Washington State and Illinois have past or have pending legislation that further …

Lone Capitol Cop Distracts Mob From Senate Chambers

Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman was assigned to an entry point at the Capitol on Jan 6th. A group of anti-something hecklers showed up and attempted to enter the Capitol. Officer Goodman stood his ground as long as possible. He then grabbed a collapsible baton and told the fools to “Stay Back.” All the while …

nfl Memorized Goof That Shot At Cops…Cops Return Favor…Dead Bad Guy

Last May a criminal took the Indianapolis cops on a pursuit that the fool livestreamed on facebook. His car finally conked out and IMPD officers arrived. Taking this felon into custody was a challenge. In fact, after the cops tazed him, to no avail, he fired 2 shots at the officers. They then reciprocated and …

In Ultra-Lib SF, Parolee Runs Red Light In Stolen Car…Kills 2 Pedestrians

A parolee from the Ca Dept. Of Correction ran a red light on NYE and struck and killed 2 pedestrians walking across the intersection. I know this may come as a surprise but this jerk had been arrested numerous times since his release from the joint in July. The felony cases were referred to the …

Burglar Killed When Hurricane Shutter Falls On His Neck

In Lee County, FL a goof was attempting to enter a house…not his, when the hurricane shutter came loose and slammed into his neck. The convicted felon was suspended in mid-air after the incident. When the cops arrived he was DRT. He tried to gain access into the residence through a window about five and …

“Cop’s Perspective” for 2020…Man, What A Year Its Been!!

Well, it’s time for the year end recap. 2020 has been one hell of a year. In addition to the bad guy and assorted incidents that or nations cops are involved with, this year we all had to deal with the CV pandemic. This year 296 cops were died in the Line Of Duty. 179 …

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