As Army vet Patrick Shields tells it, “My brother an I were cleaning up after tailgating at a football game. We heard a bunch a kids hollering and screaming across the street.”
He looked over and heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire, in addition to seeing the flame erupt from the end of the gun.

He saw the shooter had the gun in his hand and was running away. Right into the waiting arms of Mr. Shields. The military veteran took the shooter down and grabbed the gun. All the while binding the shooter into a restraining hold from which there is no escape.
The Brownsville TN police arrived soon and took the shooter into custody. The police chief praised the efforts of Mr. Shields and his brother for saving several lives on that crisp Friday football night.
Patrick Shields said he didn’t do anything that anyone else would have done. Beg to differ sir.
A BIG cop’s perspective tip O’ the hat to the Shields brothers and keep up the good work.
Carry on!