St. Louis police officer Jason Collins who earned five medals of valor.
My new book What Price Valor is getting great coverage in the national media. We’ve had over 200 TV and newspapers distribute the story! A large portion of the book features a St. Louis hero, Jason Collins. Check it out. We’re also live on Amazon for book sales. Remember to follow my Cops Perspective Facebook page to get all the news first hand.
Published by Ken Dye
Having grown up in Missouri, Ken Dye graduated from Northeastern Missouri State University (now Truman State University) and served his country. When he returned to St. Louis, he joined the St. Louis County Police Department and served in the tactical operations unit, as an undercover narcotics and homicide detective, and with the intelligence bureaus. After 13 years, he moved to Chicago to work with the Illinois Criminal Justice Authority. He is the author of three books: two crime novels, Shadow of the Arch and Beyond the Shadow of the Arch and Michael Brown, Jr. didn’t have to die, a non-fiction narrative. For more information about the author, visit
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