
New Law Introduced In CA Assembly

They’re at it again.  That’s right the folks in the CA assembly have introduced a new law that changes the wording in the use of force statute from “Reasonable” to “Necessary.”

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One would think this is no big deal.  Think again.  The aclu rubes held a news conference claiming that the new law would make it easier to prosecute cops for their misdeeds.  What?

Let’s unwind this.  The only thing this stupid law would do is raise the bar for cops involved in OIS’s.  This will, no doubt, result in more lawsuits, officer injuries, less policing and more danger to the public.

Emotional pleas that ignore facts make for great press conferences but poor laws.  Speakers who use michael brown as an unarmed “child” killed by police lose all credibility.-

About the only thing I can think of is it will allow the sponsors and supporters of this silly legislation to inflame fears and incite anti-police behavior at the many press conferences we know will follow.

Cops are experts at avoiding the use of deadly force.  With millions of contacts every day, the use of deadly force is extremely rare.  Every cop who has been on the job for any length of time can recite numerous times when they could have used deadly force but de-escaulateed the situation.

Note to bad guys…”Comply, don’t die!”

Hey, check out Lucks Art 911...you’ll like it.





Published by Ken Dye

Having grown up in Missouri, Ken Dye graduated from Northeastern Missouri State University (now Truman State University) and served his country. When he returned to St. Louis, he joined the St. Louis County Police Department and served in the tactical operations unit, as an undercover narcotics and homicide detective, and with the intelligence bureaus. After 13 years, he moved to Chicago to work with the Illinois Criminal Justice Authority. He is the author of three books: two crime novels, Shadow of the Arch and Beyond the Shadow of the Arch and Michael Brown, Jr. didn’t have to die, a non-fiction narrative. For more information about the author, visit www.KenJDye.com.

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